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Thursday, February 28, 2013

A New Adventure

I really love You Little Tarte.  I love writing it and I love hearing from my readers.  I enjoy the feeling of connecting with people who like to cook and eat as much as I do.  And You Little Tarte is a great way for me to flex my (somewhat limited) creative impulses.  I may not have a great novel in me, but I do have a couple of damn good paragraphs a couple of times a week.

Lately I have been thinking about reorganizing my life, you know... taking stock of things.  One of the things I have been thinking a lot about is all the stuff I have.  It's not like I'm a hoarder or anything, but I do have far more stuff than I will ever reasonably use up.

Specifically I have been thinking about all those beautiful clothes I have hanging in my closet.  I have so many lovely things than never get worn.  They deserve to make an occasional appearance.

Now don't get all excited.  I am not going to be holding a You Little Tarte garage sale anytime soon.  Instead, after a lot of thought, I have decided to engage in an experiment.  I am going to spend the next year not buying clothes.  Yup.  You read me right.  I am going to have a year of using what I already have.

Okay, you can stop laughing.  I'm serious about this.  In fact, I'm so serious that I've started a new blog called My Year of Unspending.  This new blog is going to chronicle my (mis)adventures as I navigate the next 12 months actually enjoying all the lovely clothing I already own.  In the process, I hope to learn a little something about myself, simplify my life a little bit, and maybe actually really clean out my closet.   You know, that old journey of self discovery stuff.

Ted has a whole different goal in mind.  He is very excited about the prospect of receiving a VISA bill that doesn't send him into cardiac arrest.  Needless to say, he was very excited when I told him of my plans and showed him my brand new (designed by Kate) blog.

I feel very trendy.  There are lots of blogs dedicated to saving money, clipping coupons, and the like.  I must warn you that My Year of Unspending is not one of those blogs.  This is going to be an in the trenches account of making due.  (That is, if Gucci shoes can be considered making due.)

Not to worry.  You Little Tarte will carry on as usual.  In fact, given all the free time I expect to have, I suspect I will be cooking, baking, and blogging up a storm.

Take a look at My Year of Unspending.  You can even subscribe to email posts, just like on this site.  This could be fun.

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