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Friday, April 27, 2012

Gimme S'more

I forgot to post last night.  I have no idea why.  It must be my advanced age and somewhat limited memory.  Oh well.  I'm sure you didn't lose any sleep over this.  If you did, (1) I'm flattered, and (2) I'm sorry.

But I'm baaaack!

So I just got around to making the s'mores cookies I wrote about the other day.  I did this in between doing the laundry and packing everyone's stuff up to go to Minnesota for the weekend.  There was a time in my life when going away for the weekend meant going to a resort.  As far as I know, there isn't a resort at Carleton College.

But I digress.  The cookies, which I am bringing for Charlie, are really cute.  Cute, in a "what could be cuter than a cookie with a piece of a Hershey Bar stuck on top" kind of way.  And they're pretty yummy too.  Again, what could be tastier than a cookie that boasts chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, and Hershey Bars as ingredients.

They're pretty easy to make too.  This is especially true if you don't do what I did.  First I went to the market to pick up some graham crackers, mini marshmallows, and Hershey Bars.  I forgot the candy bars and when I got home I realized I already had graham crackers.  I then had to zip out to the CVS to pick up the candy bars.  Of course, I didn't bother figuring out how many candy bars I needed.  This led to some of the cookies having two squares of chocolate on top and some having only one.

I've been suffering from some organization issues of late.

Now the cookies are happily cooling and waiting to packed up for their trip to the midwest.  Yes, I am that mother who arrives with a container to visit her son.  He will, of course, be horrified when I show up with said Tupperware container (disposable, of course).  That is, until he (and all of his friends) try these cookies.  Then I'll be a Tupperware toting rock star.  Natch.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I was lucky enough to be one of the friends that got to try these cookies- and they were awesome. I'm making them next weekend.
